
Flowers Monthly Challenge

"When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not."                  -- Georgia O'Keeffe

With so many flower varieties in the world, they are one of the most adaptable themes for face painters, and we love seeing all your brilliant designs!

This past January, our monthly Design Challenge was Flowers, and you did not disappoint! Our winner really stood out, an amazing combination of painted and faux flowers.

Flowers Challenge Winner January 2019

Winner Natalia Kirilova was inspired to create this design by her love of flowers. "In my work I decided to show the soul of flowers. It monitors the entire plant world, but it is sad because of environmental problems and pollution. It recalls the times when people and nature lived in harmony with each other."

Natalia used TAG Pearl Green and split cakes Stargazer and Snake, along with Global White and Cameleon Black. Most of the painting was done with angle brushes, she added texture with the BAM Stencil 1206 Gradient, and finished with a sprinkle of Holographic White Glitter by Amerikan Body Art.

About the Artist

Natalia lives and works in Russia, in the city of Yaroslavl, where she has been face painting for 7 years. At first it was a hobby, and for the last 4 years it has been her job, and she loves it!

One of Natalia's favorite things to do is belly painting, she really enjoys seeing children who have recently been in the tummy are already beginning to walk, talk and learn to draw. She has 40 plus pregnancy paint designs in her portfolio - that's a lot!

She is very happy to participate in your contests, because it develops imagination and trains skills!

Natalia is also a freelance blogger for, and she is quickly becoming one of our most popular artists!

You can find Natalia's work online:
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Here are some of her designs from her page : 

Natalia Kirilova Ice Design

Natalia Kirilova Rainbow Crown

Natalia Kirilova Pregnant Belly

Natalia Kirilova Pregnant Belly Gallery


Here are all the entries from our Flowers Contest :