
Pumbaa Mask by Annabel Hoogeveen

With the new Lion King movie in movie theaters, it is about time to renew our Lion King designs :-)!

In this tutorial I will show you a funny looking 'nostril' Pumbaa mask. As a character, he is not the easiest to paint nicely on a face, but I thought this sweet little guy deserved a funny design  too ;-). 



Artycake 'Teddy Bear' 

Mehron Paradise Light Pink

PartyXplosion White

PartyXplosion Black

American Painter flat brush 1/2#

Silly Farm Paint Pal Little Drop Filbert Brush

Loew-Cornell Round Brush 795 #3

Cameleon Blending Brush #1




Step 1: The start

When trying out a design for the first time, I first sketch the design using a small round brush and a light colored paint with watery consistence. Placement is rather important in this design. By sketching the design first, you can avoid having to remove the paint later on because of very odd expressions  ;-).

After sketchin,g I loaded a 1/2# flat brush with the lightest two colors of my splitcake and painted the nose. I tried to keep the nostrils rather small, while still keeping enough distance from the eyes so there is less discomfort for the small kids.

After rinsing my brush I loaded it again, but this time with the darker colors (not too much black!) and I painted the cheeks, the nose bridge and the eyebrows. For the eyebrows and cheeks I kept the lightest color on top because light is always coming from above 😉. For the nose bridge I turned my brush, suggesting a shadow caused by the hairs that I would add later on 🙂.


Step 2: Adding more of the base

With the same colors on my brush I added the hair, the back part of the ears and the lower part of the mouth (in this case with the dark part on top because of the shadow caused by the big nose). If you feel the 1/2# brush is still too wide, you can of course use a smaller one.


Step 3: Adding pink and white details

With the filbert brush loaded with regular white, I added the white in the eyes and painted the big fangs on the side of the mask.

Next I painted the inside of the ears with a round brush loaded with light pink. And with the same brush I added a little pink line on the bottom inside of the nostrils to to give it a kind of 3D look like in the cartoons (optional!).


Step 4: Outlining the entire mask and adding the pupils

After finishing the base I loaded a small round brush (#3) with regular black and outlined the entire mask. Next I added some extra lines and details on the inside (mouth line in the 'cheeks', 'wrinkles' in the forehead, and pupils in the eyes).


Step 5: Finishing touches!

To make this design pop, we need some highlights. But, before I added those, I first added some shadows using only a dry blending brush and a wet wipe. Just moisten the brush a little bit on the wet wipe and softly go over some of the already existing black lines to blend them with the color next to it, creating a soft shadow. In this design you can see it e.g. very clearly in the cheeks (under the curved smile line), next to the eyebrows and around the nose (because it has to stand out against the darker mouth part).

With the same method you can also soften the other black lines, which will make them look more integrated in the design. 

With a round brush loaded with the glycerin white from the splitcake, I then added some highlights here and there to increase the contrast even more.


All done ☺️!! And now it is time to play! Give the kids a mirror and let them move their eyebrows and change Pumbaa's expression 😁!!

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! See you soon for the next one ❤️!


Additional info:

To make a design look balanced I always try to 'line up' the different elements, give them a 'logical' placement. And for animated designs like this one, the placement of the eyes is also very important. So, to help you determine where to put the elements I added some visual guidelines below. Hopefully they will help you to quickly master this design so you can make lots of kids very happy ☺️.



Want to have Annabel as your personal instructor? Take a Class at the International Face Painting School.  


Annabel Hoogeveen is the owner and founder of 'Blije-Snoetjes Kinderschmink', a Facepainting company and school in the Netherlands. She is painting for about 12 years and is passionate about teaching others how to facepaint, 'because the more face painters there are, the more kids we can make happy'.

Annabel likes colorful and easy 'on-the-job' designs. But, as a former vet, she also has a passion for painting realistic 3D animals.

She is an instructor at Olga Murasev's International Face Painting School (, has written several Facepainting blogs and recently won the 'Black Panther' competition here at

You can see more of her work on her Instagram and Facebook pages.