
Webinar: How to Face Paint Supheroes With Kathy Vergara

In this webinar, professional face and body painter Kathy Vergara shows us how to face paint superheroes! Kathy is an accomlished face painter, and has been painting for at least 8 years. Currently, she works for an event planning group, where she teachers hundreds of people the art of face painting.

For this superheroes face paint tutorial, Kahy will be using Kraze FX's brand new line of paints: Kraze FX Fundamentals Palette and Kraze FX Split Cake Palette.

#1. Ninja Turtle Mask Face Paint Design

Ninja Turtle Mask

For this design, Kathy used a 1" flat brush, went around the top of the head, and came around to do the bottom. She made a half circle on the side of the face, for the bandana. She went over with green on the top, making sure to have the darker green on the outside. 

Outline the ninja turtle mask using black face paint, but it's not necessary. When you're making cartoons, make your outline heavier to add shading. 

Using black face paint, add some eyebrows, starting heavy in the beginning, and trailing off at the ends. Add a couple of lines at the ends of the eyes to give the mask an "angry" look. 

Lastly, highlight your ninja turtle face mask. Use yellow to add some dots on the top of the mask where the green is. Kathy says this step is not mandatory. Now use white face paint to add highlights to your design. 

#2. Spiderman Face Paint Design

Spiderman Face Paint Design

This is Kathy's most requested superhero design. Start with white face paint and start with the eye shape. Stay away from the eyes, and go above the the eye (at the eyebrow). You can just do white on top or go all the way around, making a large circle. Kathy says to use the client's eyebrow as a guide - she'll ususally go just right under the eyerbow.

For a piderman face paint, Kathy uses Mehron Starblend in red and paints in the middle of the forehead. Fill in the area between the eyes and on the forehead with red face paint. Come right down underneath the eye, and that'll be the end of the spiderman mask. You can also connect the mask to the middle, or leave it open. This is completely up to you!

With black face paint, outline (heavier towards the top, and lighter pressure as you go down the sides) the eyes. Make the top of the outline (above the eye) more pointy. 

Lastly, make your spiderweb. Sometimes, Kathy will paint on a spider at the top of the nose. If the child is not still, she'll skip the spider. Make two teardrops right in the middle of the forehead, pointing towards the spider. Make two more on the side of the eye, and a small one underneath.

For the web, Kathy is using a #1 brush. Use white face paint to outline some of the web designs. This adds some depth to your design. Make sure your paint is completely dry before adding the white face paint, otherwise your paints will bleed in together. 

Add some red dots underneath the eye  and at the top of the mask to create texture and blend your edges. 

#3. The Flash Face Paint Design

Flash Face Paint Design

For this design, Kathy will use a red powder to fill in the shape of the Flash mask. Make the same exact shape as you did for your Spiderman design, except the bottom will be a little more angular. 

Go on top in the middle of the forehead with a large, white circle. Use yellow face paint to add little yellow circles by the ears. Add a bolt to each circle. Add another lightning bolt to the middle of the white circle. 

Grab black face paint and outline the eyes and the rest of the Flash mask. Add a few details to the mask using black face paint. Finish off by adding some highlights to your design, using white face paint. 

#4. Black Panther Face Paint Design

Black Panther Face Paint Design

Grab black face powder and use a sponge brush to create a cat-like design on the top of the forehead. You can also use black face paint, but the powder dries much faster.

Kathy uses a small detail brush and white face paint to come across the ear and down to the eyebrow area. Outline the mask in black, since the powder is not very dark. You can also outline your Black Panther design in white. 

#5. PJ Mask Gekko Face Paint Design

PJ Mask Gekko Face Paint

Grab a green splitcake and go over the top of the forehead, in a rainbow-like shape. Fill in the mask with the lightest color of your split cake, in Kathy's case, yellow.

Go underneath the eyes to create a mask-like shape. Create petal like shapes at the top middle of the forehead. Grab yellow paint and add some dots around the petal shape. Add dots underneath the eyes as well to create texture. Add eyebrows using yellow face paint.

Now go ahead and outline the eyes and the rest of the mask using black face paint. Finish off by adding a few white highlights.

#6. PJ Mask Owlette Face Paint Design

PJ Mask Owlette Face Paint Design

For this design, Kathy is making her own split cake by adding red and black to her brush. Draw a quick outline around the eyebrows. Turn the brush at the end and make a few petals at the corner end of the eyes. These will be the wings. Flip it over, so that the black is on the bottom now. 

Go over the top of the forehead and fill in the rest of the mask using red face paint. Use white face paint to create a thick line above the eyebrows. 

Use white face paint to add some highlights and outlines. Finish off by outlining the entire mask in black face paint. 

#7. PJ Mask Catboy Face Paint Design

Catboy Face Paint Design

Make the same shape as you did for Black Panther, but this time, use blue face paint. You can also use a black and blue split cake.

Kathy now uses a lighter blue to make a big triangle in the middle of the forehead, and two smaller triangles on each side of the bigger triangle. Make a couple of small trinagles inside the ears, add eyebrows, and whiskers. Outline the shape of the mask. 

#8. Wonderwoman Face Paint Design

Wonderwoman Face Paint Design

Use gold face paint to create the Wonderwoman shape on top of the forehead. This is two lines and a diamond shape in the middle of the forehead. Use black face paint to outline the V-shape and the lines. 

Add a star to the middle of the forehead. Finish off the design by adding some highlights and eyeliner, if your client so chooses.

#9. Captain America Face Paint Design

Captain America Face Paint Design

Grab a blue and black splitcake and go over the top of the eyebrows. Flip your brush and do the same on the bottom to create a mask-like shape. Make a semi-circle at the top and fill it in with white. Paint two white ovals on the side of the forehead and create 3 teardrops next to each oval. 

Paint an A in the middle of the forehead, and use black face paint to outline the mask, as well as to outline the A letter. Use white face paint to add some highlights to your design. 

On behalf of everyone here at, we'd like to thank Kathy for showing us how to do superheroes face paint designs and also thank you to all who joined on Facebook Live and on Zoom!

Stay tuned for our next webinar!