
How to do Graffiti Lettering Video Tutorial by Shelley Wapniak

We've all been in a situation where kids can't really decide what they'd like painted on them. This takes too much time especially when the queues are long. So, Shelley has a great tip for all face painters who will face this kind of dilemma in the future.

Paint their name, graffiti-style

Hi I'm Shelley Wapniak and this is Jessica Mellow and we're here with Thank you for tuning in today and we're going to show you how to do graffiti lettering.

Alright, so just to explain this design a little bit, this is Jessica's name (it's upside down), but basically a lot of times, teenargers and kids, they don't know what they want and often times, I'll suggest it to them. As soon as I suggest it, they usually get right in my line and are eager to get painted and then suddenly I have an entire party full of kids who are eager to get this, whether they have face paint on or not, they all want this!

So if you ever have a crowd that's giving you a hard time, offer them graffiti name and you're sure to be swamped for the rest of your gig.

So today we are going to demonstrate how to use the split cake rainbow burst followed by Global. It's a 6 palette case
and we are going to demonstrate every color and I'm going to use my favorite technique: graffiti lettering.

When I usually do it, I just use one split cake, but for demonstration purposes, we're going to use every single color on Jessica.

We're going to start with the J (from Jessica). Now if you're really smart, you'll actually start with the middle letter, and that's so you make sure you have enough room for all the letters.

So what I'm doing is loading the brush. I get it wet and press down really, really hard. But you use the tools that you have at hand.

This color is nice, it's sort of like a flame color! This one is usually for boys, as they like flames. I love these colors!

This one (green split cake) is great for leaves and dragons. And lately I've been playing with contrasting colors and just making these pop and using unexpected and unconventional colors for designs and combining them and I find that's really bringing out the design more. So like getting really creative and doing the unexpected is a lot of fun too!

This (white and blue split cake) one is one of my favorites too. It's great for the Frozen princess crowns, anything snow-related or ice-related, and it works for so many different things too.

And the last color, I guess we'll just bring that one in. again. You also want to reload your paint brush, because they dry up.

So that is our block lettering and then,you can stencil out the sides, so it has graffiti on the sides. Now because this little white, you can actually use the color on the edge because you probably never really reach that unless you have a really white palette. So that's the benefit there, you can use the white colors on the edges if you need to.

This makes the kids go wild. The girls lose their minds over this. And our little magic secret (a gem).

And now we want black. We've got some black here, and what I tell kids, is that my lettering is not so good, but my drawing is. So that's why I draw my letters. Throw in some tear drops if you like or swirls And I guarantee if you do this kind of design on a kid, you will have a very, very long line.

Alright, I really hope you enjoyed this graffiti lettering design. Please like and share on Facebook and Instragram!

And follow the link at the bottom to purchase the materials that we used. We have some really great stuff and you know you want it.

So, there you have it! The easiest, most practical, and quickest way to satisfy an undecided customer! Just make sure that you spell their name right. *wink*

Products Used in the Video :

Global Body Art Rainbow Burst Split Cake Palette (6/colors - 10 gm)

(no longer carried), can be substituted for Kraze FX Split Cake Palette in Splash:


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